jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

Una imagen vale más que mil palabras

Because I didn't dare waste a precious moment of my time with loved ones in Durham (and mostly because I didn't take my laptop home), I'm just now sorting through photos from my pre-Christmas trip to the state of Guanajuato. It feels like lifetimes ago-- the majority of my memories from before December 20th have been replaced by the sweet recollection of my reunion with Chick-fil-A, Papa John's, sushi, and my beautiful family-- so I'll let my amateur photography speak for itself. (New Year's Resolution Number 17: Learn how to use my big girl camera!)

Guanajuato City

Scarred for life by this museum of real mummies, which gave me flashbacks to the "Bodies" exhibit of '07

San Miguel de Allende

Me running away from my start-of-semester responsibilities

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