sábado, 17 de junio de 2017

love your neighbor

As the school year wrapped up I wanted to give my students, colleagues, and friends the opportunity to share their perspectives regarding the [ever worsening] dynamics between our two countries. In the interest of building bridges of mutual understanding, I'm publishing some of their reflections here, with the permission of each participant.

¿Cuáles son tus impresiones generales de la relación entre los Estados Unidos y México? // What are your general impressions of US-Mexico relations? 

Yessenia, 25: Todos somos seres humanos y merecemos lo mejor por que todos luchamos día a día salimos a trabajar para conseguir nuestro sustento diario no es bonito que peleemos entre personas mucho menos entre países. 
We are all human beings and we deserve the best because we all fight day to day, we go to work to make a living and it’s not nice arguing between people, let alone between countries.

Karen, 19: Que una parte de las personas denigra o trata mal a los mexicanos por el simple echo de ser mexicanos, en especial el presidente de los estados unidos.
That some people belittle or mistreat Mexicans for the simple fact that they’re Mexican, especially the President of the United States.

Anonymous, 21: Siento que las relaciones políticas se están decayendo debido a los presidentes actuales, pero las personas como tú hacen que aún creamos.
I feel like the political relationship is getting worse due to the current presidents, but people like you make us keep believing.

Anonymous, 19: La relación entre personas mexicanas y estadounidenses debería ser siempre buena, ya que uno siempre necesitará el otro, sin embargo las autoridades se han encargado de fracturar ésta relación.
The relationship between Mexicans and US Americans should always be good, given that we’ll always need each other, but those in authority are responsible for fracturing that relationship. 

Dulce, 18: Que entre los dos países en este momento no hay muy buena comunicación y que se han creado estereotipos falsos uno del otro.
That right now between the two countries there isn’t very good communication and that false stereotypes have been created about each country. 


 ¿Cuales son algunas de tus percepciones POSITIVAS de los Estados Unidos/estadounidenses? // What are some of your POSITIVE associations with the USA/US Americans?

Abigail, 20: Estados unidos ha dado, por muchos años millones de empleos a migrantes no solo de México, también de todo el mundo. Siendo una potencia mundial, ha sabido administrar todos sus recursos para seguir liderando al mundo en muchos aspectos. 
For many years the US has given millions of jobs to migrants not only from Mexico but from all over the world. As a world power, it has known how to manage all of its resources to continue leading the world in many ways.

Yessenia, 25: No tengo en realidad
Honestly I don’t have any 

Anonymous, 20: Tienen muy buena música y hacen muy buenas películas. 
They have really good music and make really good movies

Karen, 19: Pues como en todo lugar también pienso que a de haber personas buenas y que apoyen a los mexicanos.
Well like anywhere else I also think there must be good people who support Mexicans.

Carmen, 19: [Son] amables, inteligentes y respetuosos 
[They are] kind, intelligent, and respectful

Abigail, 18: creo que estados unidos tiene hermosos lugares que me encantaría conocer ,buenas escuelas, también considero que su moneda tiene mas valor en mi país ,en cuanto a las personas que e conocido nativas de estados unidos son muy agradables y me gustaría poder conocer mejor su cultura. 
 I think the US has beautiful places that I would love to see, good schools, and I also think that their currency has more value in my country. Regarding the people that I’ve met from the US, they are very likable and I would like to know their culture better


¿Cuáles son algunas de tus percepciones NEGATIVAS de los Estados Unidos/estadounidenses? // What are some of your NEGATIVE associations with the USA/US Americans?

Abigail, 20: La reciente riña entre paises, y ahora con su nuevo gobierno creó que empeorara.
Aunque años atras, el presidente Obama regreso a sus paises de origen a miles de migrantes.
The recent dispute between the countries, and now with the new government I think it’ll get worse. Although years ago President Obama sent thousands of migrants back to their countries of origin.

Eder, 31: Con este nuevo gobierno, las oportunidades se han reducido y se trata de erradicar a los inmigrantes, cuando son parte muy importante para su economía y la de México.
With this new government, there are less opportunities and more efforts to eradicate immigrants, when they are a really important part of their economy and Mexico’s.

Anonymous, 19: Discriminan mucho a las personas por su color 
They discriminate a lot against people based on their skin color

Lesli, 19: No, tengo. Al final todos tenemos errores. 😊
I don’t have any. In the end we all have flaws. 

Juan, 20: El echo de que algunos de sus ciudadanos apoyen al presidente Donald Trump, a pesar de haber echo muchos comentarios racistas y blasfemo contra los latinos, eso me hace pensar que una parte de la población de USA se siente intolerante con sus vecinos, los mexicanos.
The fact that some of their citizens support President Donald Trump, despite his racist and blasphemous comments against Latinos, makes me think that a part of the US population is intolerant of their Mexican neighbors. 

Daniela, 19: Siento que por ser un país tan grande, deseable para vivir lograr sueños, vivir bien (económicamente hablando) se creen superiores a los demás países. 
I feel like, because it’s such a big country, known for making dreams come true and living well (economically speaking), they think they’re better than other countries.


¿Qué quieres que sepan los estadounidenses de México/los mexicanos? // What do you want US Americans to know about Mexico/Mexicans?

Abigail, 20: Los mexicanos no somos ignorantes. No somos solo tacos, no somos ese famoso muro que quieren construir. Los mexicanos somos investigadores, somos historia, somos cultura, somos todos esos lugares que los estadounidenses vienen a visitar, y cada día, en todo México despiertan miles, millones de personas que trabajan para traer el sustento a los hogares. Trabajan para seguir investigando, para descubrir nuevas cosas, para inventar. 
Mexicans are not ignorant. We’re not just tacos, we’re not that famous wall that they want to build. We are researchers, we are history, we are culture, we are all of those places that US Americans come to visit, and each day, in all of Mexico, thousands, millions of people wake up and work to support their households. They work to keep researching, to discover new things, to invent.

Anonymous, 47: Los mexicanos tenemos cultura, tradiciones y sobre todo grandes lazos familiares.
En general nos gusta recibir y compartir gente de otras culturas,considero que somos muy hospitalarios.
Mexicans have culture, traditions, and above all strong family ties. In general we like to welcome and share our lives with people from other cultures, I think we’re very hospitable.

Anonymous, 20: Que también somos un país rico en muchas maneras, y que somos más que tequila, sombreros y cactus. Que vean más allá del estereotipo.
That we’re also a rich country in many ways, and that we’re more than tequila, sombreros, and cactus. That they see beyond that stereotype.

Anonymous, 21: Que somos personas que no se rinden tan fácil... 
That we’re people who don’t give up so easily...

Lesli, 19:  Que México es rico en biodiversidad, cultura, costumbres y tradiciones. Que son bienvenidos siempre que nos visiten y que los mexicanos no somos malas personas, sino todo lo contrario...
That Mexico is rich in biodiversity, culture, customs, and traditions. That they’re always welcome to visit, and that Mexicans aren’t bad people, but rather quite the opposite...

Melyssa, 18: Que no somos una amenaza, que no todos los mexicanos somos narcos o borrachos. Y que los inmigrantes no solo provienen de México. Que México no es como lo pintan en peliculas ni su gente es así.
That we’re not a threat, that not all Mexicans are narcos or drunks. And that immigrants don’t just come from Mexico. That Mexico and its people are not like we’re shown to be in movies.


Comentarios adicionales. // Additional Comments.

Paulina, 20: Los problemas políticos no tiene que dañar las relaciones humanas... mas haya de un poder existe la unión del conjunto de individuos para mejorar el mundo y así tener paz amor y bendición en toda nuestra vida.
Political problems don’t have to damage human relationships... beyond [political] power individuals can unite to improve the world and in that way we can have peace, love, and blessings in our lives.

Carmen, 19: Ahora que he conocido de cerca a una estadounidense nativa, me quito todos los prejuicios que tenia acerca de las personas de allá. Me demostró que aún existen personas humildes y amables.
Now that I’ve gotten to know a native US American, I got rid of all of the prejudices I had about people from there. She showed me that humble and kind people still exist… 

Juan, 20: Siempre es difícil comenzar en un nuevo país, y más cuando no dominas el idioma, me gustaría que  mis compatriotas en el extranjero no sufrieran discriminación, no somos delincuentes, flojos o rateros como lo marcan algunos estereotipos, algunos mexicanos ven una oportunidad de crecimiento en el extranjero, ya que se sienten estancados en su país, van a trabajar y querer progresar, no los sientan como una plaga, nada más es gente que busca trabajo... ojalá que algún día las fronteras puedan ser menos estrictas y la intolerancia pueda disminuir un poco.
It’s always difficult to start over in a new country, and even more when you haven’t mastered the language, I’d like it if Mexicans living abroad didn’t suffer discrimination… we’re not delinquents, lazy, or thieves like the stereotypes say, some Mexicans see the opportunity to grow in another country when they feel at a standstill in their own country, they go to work and they want to make progress. Don’t see them as a plague, they’re just people who want to work... I hope that one day the borders can be less strict and the intolerance will decrease a little.

Note: I've translated each response from the original Spanish, but the opinions expressed here are not necessarily my own.

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

hasta luego

My year, by the (approximate) numbers:

-  283 days in Mexico
-  13 states (out of 31, not bad!)
- 8 zonas arqueológicas
- 13 pueblos mágicos
- 91+ occurrences of ☺️  in WhatsApp (not including deleted threads)
- 161 new Facebook friends
- $16,100 (pesos) total spent on rent
- an average of 3 miles walked daily
- 4 Duolingo classrooms with 117 students total
- 12 weeks of photography class
- countless bus movies watched (minus their last half hour or so), tacos consumed, and times I explained the 3rd person "s" to no avail

What I, er, won't particularly miss:

- feeling like an ignorant foreigner every time I leave my house/open my mouth to speak/generally exist/etc. (despite typically interacting with very gracious and nonjudgmental individuals)
- getting weird looks for wearing anything but jeans even when it's hot as blazes outside
- being the last to know about everything on campus, from a canceled class to a faculty meeting to a major change of school leadership
- the trash truck (see here)
- not being able to bake (I should clarify that I never even attempted to use the inside of my oven... in general it's seen as a storage space in Mexican households)
- horror stories in the news, even when I felt like my general area/daily life was quite safe
- having to order garrafones of water, being told it would be delivered in 15 minutes, and waiting outside for hours before it actually arrived (related: not having a doorbell)
- paying for my clothes to be washed but dropping by the lavandería at least three times before it was ready for pick up
- getting stomach sick like clockwork every time I thought, "Hey, I haven't been sick in a while!"

What I (already) miss so much because I love Mexico and it will forever have a special place en mi corazón:

- FRUIT! so cheap! with chilito!
- workout classes where I'm personally known, appreciated, and missed when I skip because I'm lazy can't make it
- my favorite panadería, La Casa de Pan Integral, where I'd buy myself a couple of delicious pastries each Monday whether I needed 'em or not 
- being referred to as "Miss," "Profa," "Maestra," or "Teacher" even in totally non-school-related contexts
- social media culture in which texting anyone and everyone out of the blue to say hi or ask for a favor is not only normal but expected!!
- being the default authority on inglés-- but I'm sorry I have no idea why though, through, and thorough are pronounced so differently 
- affectionate advice (e.g. "¡Tápate! You're all sweaty from Zumba and it's cold [70°F] outside!")
- being greeted by someone I know (more accurately, someone who knows me) whenever I'm walking around the centro, without fail
- colorful buildings and beautiful views around every corner
- friendly vendors who always recognized me ("OK güerita how many plátanos do you want today?")
- cooking for myself (especially my tradition of weekend morning pancakes); this doesn't have to stop but it will certainly be less interesting when I have more than one pot, frying pan, spoon, etc. 
- apodos-- how there are [instant] nicknames for everyone; being called "Mali" by people who I just met
- and, of course, LOS ANTOJITOS y otros platillos-- chilaquiles, gringas, gorditas, memelas, agua de jamaica o melón, manzanas de chamoy, enchiladas, I could go on...
- plus so much more... shout out to all of the wonderful people who made my time in Atlixco so wonderful!